estimating bias in text with Ruby

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working on and off on a collaboration with my good friend Nick Holtzman and some other folks that focuses on ways to automatically extract bias from text using a vector space model. The paper is still in progress, so I won’t give much away here, except to say that Nick’s figured out what I think is a pretty clever way to show that, yes, Fox likes Republicans more than Democrats, and MSNBC likes Democrats more than Republicans. It’s not meant to be a surprising result, but simply a nice validation of the underlying method, which can be flexibly applied to all sorts of interesting questions.

The model we’re using is a simplified variant of Jones and Mewhort’s (2007) BEAGLE model. Essentially, similarity between words is quantified by looking at the degree to which words have similar co-occurrence patterns with other words. This basic idea is actually common to pretty much all vector space models, so in that sense, there’s not much new here (there’s plenty that’s new in Jones and Mewhort (2007), but we’re mostly leaving those features out for the sake of simplicity and computational speed). The novel aspect is the contrast coding of similarity terms in order to produce bias estimates. But you’ll have to wait for the paper to read more about that.

In the meantime, one thing we’ve tried to do is develop software that can be used to easily implement the kind of analyses we describe in the paper. With plenty of input from Nick and Mike Jones, I’ve written a set of tools in Ruby that’s now freely available for download here. The tools are actually bundled as a Ruby gem, so installation should be a snap on most platforms. We’re still working on documentation, so there’s no full-blown manual yet, but the quick-start guide should be sufficient to get many users up and running. And for people who share my love of Ruby and are interested in using the tools programmatically, there’s a fairly well-commented RDoc.

The code should really be considered an alpha release at the moment; I’m sure there are plenty of bugs (if you find any, email me!), and the feature set is currently pretty limited. Hopefully it’ll grow over time. I also plan to throw the code up on GitHub at some point in the near future so that anyone who’s interested can help out with the development. In the meantime, if you’re interested in semantic space models and want to play around with a crude (but relatively fast) implementation of one, there’s a (very) small chance you might find these tools useful.

time-on-task effects in fMRI research: why you should care

There’s a ubiquitous problem in experimental psychology studies that use behavioral measures that require participants to make speeded responses. The problem is that, in general, the longer people take to do something, the more likely they are to do it correctly. If I have you do a visual search task and ask you to tell me whether or not a display full of letters contains a red ‘X’, I’m not going to be very impressed that you can give me the right answer if I let you stare at the screen for five minutes before responding. In most experimental situations, the only way we can learn something meaningful about people’s capacity to perform a task is by imposing some restriction on how long people can take to respond. And the problem that then presents is that any changes we observe in the resulting variable we care about (say, the proportion of times you successfully detect the red ‘X’) are going to be confounded with the time people took to respond. Raise the response deadline and performance goes up; shorten it and performance goes down.

This fundamental fact about human performance is commonly referred to as the speed-accuracy tradeoff. The speed-accuracy tradeoff isn’t a law in any sense; it allows for violations, and there certainly are situations in which responding quickly can actually promote accuracy. But as a general rule, when researchers run psychology experiments involving response deaadlines, they usually work hard to rule out the speed-accuracy tradeoff as an explanation for any observed results. For instance, if I have a group of adolescents with ADHD do a task requiring inhibitory control, and compare their performance to a group of adolescents without ADHD, I may very well find that the ADHD group performs more poorly, as reflected by lower accuracy rates. But the interpretation of that result depends heavily on whether or not there are also any differences in reaction times (RT). If the ADHD group took about as long on average to respond as the non-ADHD group, it might be reasonable to conclude that the ADHD group suffers a deficit in inhibitory control: they take as long as the control group to do the task, but they still do worse. On the other hand, if the ADHD group responded much faster than the control group on average, the interpretation would become more complicated. For instance, one possibility would be that the accuracy difference reflects differences in motivation rather than capacity per se. That is, maybe the ADHD group just doesn’t care as much about being accurate as about responding quickly. Maybe if you motivated the ADHD group appropriately (e.g., by giving them a task that was intrinsically interesting), you’d find that performance was actually equivalent across groups. Without explicitly considering the role of reaction time–and ideally, controlling for it statistically–the types of inferences you can draw about underlying cognitive processes are somewhat limited.

An important point to note about the speed-accuracy tradeoff is that it isn’t just a tradeoff between speed and accuracy; in principle, any variable that bears some systematic relation to how long people take to respond is going to be confounded with reaction time. In the world of behavioral studies, there aren’t that many other variables we need to worry about. But when we move to the realm of brain imaging, the game changes considerably. Nearly all fMRI studies measure something known as the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal. I’m not going to bother explaining exactly what the BOLD signal is (there are plenty of other excellent explanations at varying levels of technical detail, e.g., here, here, or here); for present purposes, we can just pretend that the BOLD signal is basically a proxy for the amount of neural activity going on in different parts of the brain (that’s actually a pretty reasonable assumption, as emerging studies continue to demonstrate). In other words, a simplistic but not terribly inaccurate model is that when neurons in region X increase their firing rate, blood flow in region X also increases, and so in turn does the BOLD signal that fMRI scanners detect.

A critical question that naturally arises is just how strong the temporal relation is between the BOLD signal and underlying neuronal processes. From a modeling perspective, what we’d really like is a system that’s completely linear and time-invariant–meaning that if you double the duration of a stimulus presented to the brain, the BOLD response elicited by that stimulus also doubles, and it doesn’t matter when the stimulus is presented (i.e., there aren’t any funny interactions between different phases of the response, or with the responses to other stimuli). As it turns out, the BOLD response isn’t perfectly linear, but it’s pretty close. In a seminal series of studies in the mid-90s, Randy Buckner, Anders Dale and others showed that, at least for stimuli that aren’t presented extremely rapidly (i.e., a minimum of 1 – 2 seconds apart), we can reasonably pretend that the BOLD response sums linearly over time without suffering any serious ill effects. And that’s extremely fortunate, because it makes modeling brain activation with fMRI much easier to do. In fact, the vast majority of fMRI studies, which employ what are known as rapid event-related designs, implicitly assume linearity. If the hemodynamic response wasn’t approximately linear, we would have to throw out a very large chunk of the existing literature–or at least seriously question its conclusions.

Aside from the fact that it lets us model things nicely, the assumption of linearity has another critical, but underappreciated, ramification for the way we do fMRI research. Which is this: if the BOLD response sums approximately linearly over time, it follows that two neural responses that have the same amplitude but differ in duration will produce BOLD responses with different amplitudes. To characterize that visually, here’s a figure from a paper I published with Deanna Barch, Jeremy Gray, Tom Conturo, and Todd Braver last year:


Each of these panels shows you the firing rates and durations of two hypothetical populations of neurons (on the left), along with the (observable) BOLD response that would result (on the right). Focus your attention on panel C first. What this panel shows you is what, I would argue, most people intuitively think of when they come across a difference in activation between two conditions. When you see time courses that clearly differ in their amplitude, it’s very natural to attribute a similar difference to the underlying neuronal mechanisms, and suppose that there must just be more firing going on in one condition than the other–where ‘more’ is taken to mean something like “firing at a higher rate”.

The problem, though, is that this inference isn’t justified. If you look at panel B, you can see that you get exactly the same pattern of observed differences in the BOLD response even when the amplitude of neuronal activation is identical, simply because there’s a difference in duration. In other words, if someone shows you a plot of two BOLD time courses for different experimental conditions, and one has a higher amplitude than the other, you don’t know whether that’s because there’s more neuronal activation in one condition than the other, or if processing is identical in both conditions but simply lasts longer in one than in the other. (As a technical aside, this equivalence only holds for short trials, when the BOLD response doesn’t have time to saturate. If you’re using longer trials–say 4 seconds more more–then it becomes fairly easy to tell apart changes in duration from changes in amplitude. But the vast majority of fMRI studies use much shorter trials, in which case the problem I describe holds.)

Now, functionally, this has some potentially very serious implications for the inferences we can draw about psychological processes based on observed differences in the BOLD response. What we would usually like to conclude when we report “more” activation for condition X than condition Y is that there’s some fundamental difference in the nature of the processes involved in the two conditions that’s reflected at the neuronal level. If it turns out that the reason we see more activation in one condition than the other is simply that people took longer to respond in one condition than in the other, and so were sustaining attention for longer, that can potentially undermine that conclusion.

For instance, if you’re contrasting a feature search condition with a conjunction search condition, you’re quite likely to observe greater activation in regions known to support visual attention. But since a central feature of conjunction search is that it takes longer than a feature search, it could theoretically be that the same general regions support both types of search, and what we’re seeing is purely a time-on-task effect: visual attention regions are activated for longer because it takes longer to complete the conjunction search, but these regions aren’t doing anything fundamentally different in the two conditions (at least at the level we can see with fMRI). So this raises an issue similar to the speed-accuracy tradeoff we started with. Other things being equal, the longer it takes you to respond, the more activation you’ll tend to see in a given region. Unless you explicitly control for differences in reaction time, your ability to draw conclusions about underlying neuronal processes on the basis of observed BOLD differences may be severely hampered.

It turns out that very few fMRI studies actually control for differences in RT. In an elegant 2008 study discussing different ways of modeling time-varying signals, Jack Grinband and colleagues reviewed a random sample of 170 studies and found that, “Although response times were recorded in 82% of event-related studies with a decision component, only 9% actually used this information to construct a regression model for detecting brain activity”. Here’s what that looks like (Panel C), along with some other interesting information about the procedures used in fMRI studies:

So only one in ten studies made any effort to control for RT differences; and Grinband et al argue in their paper that most of those papers didn’t model RT the right way anyway (personally I’m not sure I agree; I think there are tradeoffs associated with every approach to modeling RT–but that’s a topic for another post).

The relative lack of attention to RT differences is particularly striking when you consider what cognitive neuroscientists do care a lot about: differences in response accuracy. The majority of researchers nowadays make a habit of discarding all trials on which participants made errors. The justification we give for this approach–which is an entirely reasonable one–is that if we analyzed correct and incorrect trials together, we’d be confounding the processes we care about (e.g., differences between conditions) with activation that simply reflects error-related processes. So we drop trials with errors, and that gives us cleaner results.

I suspect that the reasons for our concern with accuracy effects but not RT effects in fMRI research are largely historical. In the mid-90s, when a lot of formative cognitive neuroscience was being done, people (most of them then located in Pittsburgh, working in Jonathan Cohen‘s group) discovered that the brain doesn’t like to make errors. When people make mistakes during task performance, they tend to recognize that fact; on a neural level, frontoparietal regions implicated in goal-directed processing–and particularly the anterior cingulate cortex–ramp up activation substantially. The interpretation of this basic finding has been a source of much contention among cognitive neuroscientists for the past 15 years, and remains a hot area of investigation. For present purposes though, we don’t really care why error-related activation arises; the point is simply that it does arise, and so we do the obvious thing and try to eliminate it as a source of error from our analyses. I suspect we don’t do the same for RT not because we lack principled reasons to, but because there haven’t historically been clear-cut demonstrations of the effects of RT differences on brain activation.

The goal of the 2009 study I mentioned earlier was precisely to try to quantify those effects. The hypothesis my co-authors and I tested was straightforward: if brain activity scales approximately linearly with RT (as standard assumptions would seem to entail), we should see a strong “time-on-task” effect in brain areas that are associated with the general capacity to engage in goal-directed processing. In other words, on trials when people take longer to respond, activation in frontal and parietal regions implicated in goal-directed processing and cognitive control should increase. These regions are often collectively referred to as the “task-positive” network (Fox et al., 2005), in reference to the fact that they tend to show activation increases any time people are engaging in goal-directed processing, irrespective of the precise demands of the task. We figured that identifying a time-on-task effect in the task-positive network would provide a nice demonstration of the relation between RT differences and the BOLD response, since it would underscore the generality of the problem.

Concretely, what we did was take five datasets that were lying around from previous studies, and do a multi-study analysis focusing specifically on RT-related activation. We deliberately selected studies that employed very different tasks, designs, and even scanners, with the aim of ensuring the generalizability of the results. Then, we identified regions in each study in which activation covaried with RT on a trial-by-trial basis. When we put all of the resulting maps together and picked out only those regions that showed an association with RT in all five studies, here’s the map we got:


There’s a lot of stuff going on here, but in the interest of keeping this post short slightly less excruciatingly long, I’ll stick to the frontal areas. What we found, when we looked at the timecourse of activation in those regions, was the predicted time-on-task effect. Here’s a plot of the timecourses from all five studies for selected regions:


If you focus on the left time course plot for the medial frontal cortex (labeled R1, in row B), you can see that increases in RT are associated with increased activation in medial frontal cortex in all five studies (the way RT effects are plotted here is not completely intuitive, so you may want to read the paper for a clearer explanation). It’s worth pointing out that while these regions were all defined based on the presence of an RT effect in all five studies, the precise shape of that RT effect wasn’t constrained; in principle, RT could have exerted very different effects across the five studies (e.g., positive in some, negative in others; early in some, later in others; etc.). So the fact that the timecourses look very similar in all five studies isn’t entailed by the analysis, and it’s an independent indicator that there’s something important going on here.

The clear-cut implication of these findings is that a good deal of BOLD activation in most studies can be explained simply as a time-on-task effect. The longer you spend sustaining goal-directed attention to an on-screen stimulus, the more activation you’ll show in frontal regions. It doesn’t much matter what it is that you’re doing; these are ubiquitous effects (since this study, I’ve analyzed many other datasets in the same way, and never fail to find the same basic relationship). And it’s worth keeping in mind that these are just the regions that show common RT-related activation across multiple studies; what you’re not seeing are regions that covary with RT only within one (or for that matter, four) studies. I’d argue that most regions that show involvement in a task are probably going to show variations with RT. After all, that’s just what falls out of the assumption of linearity–an assumption we all depend on in order to do our analyses in the first place.

Exactly what proportion of results can be explained away as time-on-task effects? That’s impossible to determine, unfortunately. I suspect that if you could go back through the entire fMRI literature and magically control for trial-by-trial RT differences in every study, a very large number of published differences between experimental conditions would disappear. That doesn’t mean those findings were wrong or unimportant, I hasten to note; there are many cases in which it’s perfectly appropriate to argue that differences between conditions should reflect a difference in quantity rather than quality. Still, it’s clear that in many cases that isn’t the preferred interpretation, and controlling for RT differences probably would have changed the conclusions. As just one example, much of what we think of as a “conflict” effect in the medial frontal cortex/anterior cingulate could simply reflect prolonged attention on high-conflict trials. When you’re experiencing cognitive difficulty or conflict, you tend to slow down and take longer to respond, which is naturally going to produce BOLD increases that scale with reaction time. The question as to what remains of the putative conflict signal after you control for RT differences is one that hasn’t really been adequately addressed yet.

The practical question, of course, is what we should do about this. How can we minimize the impact of the time-on-task effect on our results, and, in turn, on the conclusions we draw? I think the most general suggestion is to always control for reaction time differences. That’s really the only way to rule out the possibility that any observed differences between conditions simply reflect differences in how long it took people to respond. This leaves aside the question of exactly how one should model out the effect of RT, which is a topic for another time (though I discuss it at length in the paper, and the Grinband paper goes into even more detail). Unfortunately, there isn’t any perfect solution; as with most things, there are tradeoffs inherent in pretty much any choice you make. But my personal feeling is that almost any approach one could take to modeling RT explicitly is a big step in the right direction.

A second, and nearly as important, suggestion is to not only control for RT differences, but to do it both ways. Meaning, you should run your model both with and without an RT covariate, and carefully inspect both sets of results. Comparing the results across the two models is what really lets you draw the strongest conclusions about whether activation differences between two conditions reflect a difference of quality or quantity. This point applies regardless of which hypothesis you favor: if you think two conditions draw on very similar neural processes that differ only in degree, your prediction is that controlling for RT should make effects disappear. Conversely, if you think that a difference in activation reflects the recruitment of qualitatively different processes, you’re making the prediction that the difference will remain largely unchanged after controlling for RT. Either way, you gain important information by comparing the two models.

The last suggestion I have to offer is probably obvious, and not very helpful, but for what it’s worth: be cautious about how you interpret differences in activation any time there are sizable differences in task difficulty and/or mean response time. It’s tempting to think that if you always analyze only trials with correct responses and follow the suggestions above to explicitly model RT, you’ve done all you need in order to perfectly control for the various tradeoffs and relationships between speed, accuracy, and cognitive effort. It really would be nice if we could all sleep well knowing that our data have unambiguous interpretations. But the truth is that all of these techniques for “controlling” for confounds like difficulty and reaction time are imperfect, and in some cases have known deficiencies (for instance, it’s not really true that throwing out error trials eliminates all error-related activation from analysis–sometimes when people don’t know the answer, they guess right!). That’s not to say we should stop using the tools we have–which offer an incredibly powerful way to peer inside our gourds–just that we should use them carefully.

Yarkoni T, Barch DM, Gray JR, Conturo TE, & Braver TS (2009). BOLD correlates of trial-by-trial reaction time variability in gray and white matter: a multi-study fMRI analysis. PloS one, 4 (1) PMID: 19165335

Grinband J, Wager TD, Lindquist M, Ferrera VP, & Hirsch J (2008). Detection of time-varying signals in event-related fMRI designs. NeuroImage, 43 (3), 509-20 PMID: 18775784

the capricious nature of p < .05, or why data peeking is evil

There’s a time-honored tradition in the social sciences–or at least psychology–that goes something like this. You decide on some provisional number of subjects you’d like to run in your study; usually it’s a nice round number like twenty or sixty, or some number that just happens to coincide with the sample size of the last successful study you ran. Or maybe it just happens to be your favorite number (which of course is forty-four). You get your graduate student to start running the study, and promptly forget about it for a couple of weeks while you go about writing up journal reviews that are three weeks overdue and chapters that are six months overdue.

A few weeks later, you decide you’d like to know how that Amazing New Experiment you’re running is going. You summon your RA and ask him, in magisterial tones, “how’s that Amazing New Experiment we’re running going?” To which he falteringly replies that he’s been very busy with all the other data entry and analysis chores you assigned him, so he’s only managed to collect data from eighteen subjects so far. But he promises to have the other eighty-two subjects done any day now.

“Not to worry,” you say. “We’ll just take a peek at the data now and see what it looks like; with any luck, you won’t even need to run any more subjects! By the way, here are my car keys; see if you can’t have it washed by 5 pm. Your job depends on it. Ha ha.”

Once your RA’s gone to soil himself somewhere, you gleefully plunge into the task of peeking at your data. You pivot your tables, plyr your data frame, and bravely sort your columns. Then you extract two of the more juicy variables for analysis, and after some careful surgery a t-test or six, you arrive at the conclusion that your hypothesis is… “marginally” supported. Which is to say, the magical p value is somewhere north of .05 and somewhere south of .10, and now it’s just parked by the curb waiting for you to give it better directions.

You briefly contemplate reporting your result as a one-tailed test–since it’s in the direction you predicted, right?–but ultimately decide against that. You recall the way your old Research Methods professor used to rail at length against the evils of one-sample tests, and even if you don’t remember exactly why they’re so evil, you’re not willing to take any chances. So you decide it can’t be helped; you need to collect some more data.

You summon your RA again. “Is my car washed yet?” you ask.

“No,” says your RA in a squeaky voice. “You just asked me to do that fifteen minutes ago.”

“Right, right,” you say. “I knew that.”

You then explain to your RA that he should suspend all other assigned duties for the next few days and prioritize running subjects in the Amazing New Experiment. “Abandon all other tasks!” you decree. “If it doesn’t involve collecting new data, it’s unimportant! Your job is to eat, sleep, and breathe new subjects! But not literally!”

Being quite clever, your RA sees an opening. “I guess you’ll want your car keys back, then,” he suggests.

“Nice try, Poindexter,” you say. “Abandon all other tasks… starting tomorrow.”

You also give your RA very careful instructions to email you the new data after every single subject, so that you can toss it into your spreadsheet and inspect the p value at every step. After all, there’s no sense in wasting perfectly good data; once your p value is below .05, you can just funnel the rest of the participants over to the Equally Amazing And Even Newer Experiment you’ve been planning to run as a follow-up. It’s a win-win proposition for everyone involved. Except maybe your RA, who’s still expected to return triumphant with a squeaky clean vehicle by 5 pm.

Twenty-six months and four rounds of review later, you publish the results of the Amazing New Experiment as Study 2 in a six-study paper in the Journal of Ambiguous Results. The reviewers raked you over the coals for everything from the suggested running head of the paper to the ratio between the abscissa and the ordinate in Figure 3. But what they couldn’t argue with was the p value in Study 2, which clocked in at just under p < .05, with only 21 subjects’ worth of data (compare that to the 80 you had to run in Study 4 to get a statistically significant result!). Suck on that, Reviewers!, you think to yourself pleasantly while driving yourself home from work in your shiny, shiny Honda Civic.

So ends our short parable, which has at least two subtle points to teach us. One is that it takes a really long time to publish anything; who has time to wait twenty-six months and go through four rounds of review?

The other, more important point, is that the desire to peek at one’s data, which often seems innocuous enough–and possibly even advisable (quality control is important, right?)–can actually be quite harmful. At least if you believe that the goal of doing research is to arrive at the truth, and not necessarily to publish statistically significant results.

The basic problem is that peeking at your data is rarely a passive process; most often, it’s done in the context of a decision-making process, where the goal is to determine whether or not you need to keep collecting data. There are two possible peeking outcomes that might lead you to decide to halt data collection: a very low p value (i.e., p < .05), in which case your hypothesis is supported and you may as well stop gathering evidence; or a very high p value, in which case you might decide that it’s unlikely you’re ever going to successfully reject the null, so you may as well throw in the towel. Either way, you’re making the decision to terminate the study based on the results you find in a provisional sample.

A complementary situation, which also happens not infrequently, occurs when you collect data from exactly as many participants as you decided ahead of time, only to find that your results aren’t quite what you’d like them to be (e.g., a marginally significant hypothesis test). In that case, it may be quite tempting to keep collecting data even though you’ve already hit your predetermined target. I can count on more than one hand the number of times I’ve overheard people say (often without any hint of guilt) something to the effect of “my p value’s at .06 right now, so I just need to collect data from a few more subjects.”

Here’s the problem with either (a) collecting more data in an effort to turn p < .06 into p < .05, or (b) ceasing data collection because you’ve already hit p < .05: any time you add another subject to your sample, there’s a fairly large probability the p value will go down purely by chance, even if there’s no effect. So there you are sitting at p < .06 with twenty-four subjects, and you decide to run a twenty-fifth subject. Well, let’s suppose that there actually isn’t a meaningful effect in the population, and that p < .06 value you’ve got is a (near) false positive. Adding that twenty-fifth subject can only do one of two things: it can raise your p value, or it can lower it. The exact probabilities of these two outcomes depends on the current effect size in your sample before adding the new subject; but generally speaking, they’ll rarely be very far from 50-50. So now you can see the problem: if you stop collecting data as soon as you get a significant result, you may well be capitalizing on chance. It could be that if you’d collected data from a twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh subject, the p value would reverse its trajectory and start rising. It could even be that if you’d collected data from two hundred subjects, the effect size would stabilize near zero. But you’d never know that if you stopped the study as soon as you got the results you were looking for.

Lest you think I’m exaggerating, and think that this problem falls into the famous class of things-statisticians-and-methodologists-get-all-anal-about-but-that-don’t-really-matter-in-the-real-world, here’s a sobering figure (taken from this chapter):


The figure shows the results of a simulation quantifying the increase in false positives associated with data peeking. The assumptions here are that (a) data peeking begins after about 10 subjects (starting earlier would further increase false positives, and starting later would decrease false positives somewhat), (b) the researcher stops as soon as a peek at the data reveals a result significant at p < .05, and (c) data peeking occurs at incremental steps of either 1 or 5 subjects. Given these assumptions, you can see that there’s a fairly monstrous rise in the actual Type I error rate (relative to the nominal rate of 5%). For instance, if the researcher initially plans to collect 60 subjects, but peeks at the data after every 5 subjects, there’s approximately a 17% chance that the threshold of p < .05 will be reached before the full sample of 60 subjects is collected. When data peeking occurs even more frequently (as might happen if a researcher is actively trying to turn p < .07 into p < .05, and is monitoring the results after each incremental participant), Type I error inflation is even worse. So unless you think there’s no practical difference between a 5% false positive rate and a 15 – 20% false positive rate, you should be concerned about data peeking; it’s not the kind of thing you just brush off as needless pedantry.

How do we stop ourselves from capitalizing on chance by looking at the data? Broadly speaking, there are two reasonable solutions. One is to just pick a number up front and stick with it. If you commit yourself to collecting data from exactly as many subjects as you said you would (you can proclaim the exact number loudly to anyone who’ll listen, if you find it helps), you’re then free to peek at the data all you want. After all, it’s not the act of observing the data that creates the problem; it’s the decision to terminate data collection based on your observation that matters.

The other alternative is to explicitly correct for data peeking. This is a common approach in large clinical trials, where data peeking is often ethically mandated, because you don’t want to either (a) harm people in the treatment group if the treatment turns out to have clear and dangerous side effects, or (b) prevent the control group from capitalizing on the treatment too if it seems very efficacious. In either event, you’d want to terminate the trial early. What researchers often do, then, is pick predetermined intervals at which to peek at the data, and then apply a correction to the p values that takes into account the number of, and interval between, peeking occasions. Provided you do things systematically in that way, peeking then becomes perfectly legitimate. Of course, the downside is that having to account for those extra inspections of the data makes your statistical tests more conservative. So if there aren’t any ethical issues that necessitate peeking, and you’re not worried about quality control issues that might be revealed by eyeballing the data, your best bet is usually to just pick a reasonable sample size (ideally, one based on power calculations) and stick with it.

Oh, and also, don’t make your RAs wash your car for you; that’s not their job.

undergraduates are WEIRD

This month’s issue of Nature Neuroscience contains an editorial lambasting the excessive reliance of psychologists on undergraduate college samples, which, it turns out, are pretty unrepresentative of humanity at large. The impetus for the editorial is a mammoth in-press review of cross-cultural studies by Joseph Henrich and colleagues, which, the authors suggest, collectively indicate that “samples drawn from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) societies … are among the least representative populations one could find for generalizing about humans.” I’ve only skimmed the article, but aside from the clever acronym, you could do a lot worse than these (rather graphic) opening paragraphs:

In the tropical forests of New Guinea the Etoro believe that for a boy to achieve manhood he must ingest the semen of his elders. This is accomplished through ritualized rites of passage that require young male initiates to fellate a senior member (Herdt, 1984; Kelley, 1980). In contrast, the nearby Kaluli maintain that  male initiation is only properly done by ritually delivering the semen through the initiate’s anus, not his mouth. The Etoro revile these Kaluli practices, finding them disgusting. To become a man in these societies, and eventually take a wife, every boy undergoes these initiations. Such boy-inseminating practices, which  are enmeshed in rich systems of meaning and imbued with local cultural values, were not uncommon among the traditional societies of Melanesia and Aboriginal Australia (Herdt, 1993), as well as in Ancient Greece and Tokugawa Japan.

Such in-depth studies of seemingly “exotic“ societies, historically the province of anthropology, are crucial for understanding human behavioral and psychological variation. However, this paper is not about these peoples. It’s about a truly unusual group: people from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. In particular, it’s about the Western, and more specifically American, undergraduates who form the bulk of the database in the experimental branches of psychology, cognitive science, and economics, as well as allied fields (hereafter collectively labeled the “behavioral sciences“). Given that scientific knowledge about human psychology is largely based on findings from this subpopulation, we ask just how representative are these typical subjects in light of the available comparative database. How justified are researchers in assuming a species-level generality for their findings? Here, we review the evidence regarding how WEIRD people compare to other

Anyway, it looks like a good paper. Based on a cursory read, the conclusions the authors draw seem pretty reasonable, if a bit strong. I think most researchers do already recognize that our dependence on undergraduates is unhealthy in many respects; it’s just that it’s difficult to break the habit, because the alternative is to spend a lot more time and money chasing down participants (and there are limits to that too; it just isn’t feasible for most researchers to conduct research with Etoro populations in New Guinea). Then again, just because it’s hard to do science the right way doesn’t really make it OK to do it the wrong way. So, to the extent that we care about our results generalizing across the entire human species (which, in many cases, we don’t), we should probably be investing more energy in weaning ourselves off undergraduates and trying to recruit more diverse samples.

some thoughtful comments on automatic measure abbreviation

In the comments on my last post, Sanjay Srivastava had some excellent thoughts/concerns about the general approach of automating measure abbreviation using a genetic algorithm. They’re valid concerns that might come up for other people too, so I thought I’d discuss them here in more detail. Here’s Sanjay:

Lew Goldberg emailed me a copy of your paper a while back and asked what I thought of it. I’m pasting my response below — I’d be curious to hear your take on it. (In this email “he“ is you and “you“ is he because I was writing to Lew“¦)


1. So this is what it feels like to be replaced by a machine.

I’m not sure if Sanjay thinks this is a good or a bad thing? I guess my own feeling is that it’s a good thing to the extent that it makes personality measurement more efficient and frees researchers up to use that time (both during data collection and measure development) for other productive things like eating M&M’s on the couch and devising the most diabolically clever April Fool’s joke for next year to make up for the fact that you forgot to do it this year writing papers, and a bad one to the extent that people take this as a license to stop thinking carefully about what they’re doing when they’re shortening or administering questionnaire measures. But provided people retain a measure of skepticism and cautiousness in applying this type of approach, I’m optimistic that the result will be a large net gain.

2. The convergent correlations were a little low in studies 2 and 3. You’d expect shortened scales to have less reliability and validity, of course, but that didn’t go all the way in covering the difference. He explained that this was because the AMBI scales draw on a different item pool than the proprietary measures, which makes sense. wever, that makes it hard to evaluate the utility of the approach. If you compare how the full IPIP facet scales correlate with the proprietary NEO (which you’ve published here: against his Table 2, for example, it looks like the shortening algorithm is losing some information. Whether that’s better or worse than a rationally shortened scale is hard to say.

This is an excellent point, and I do want to reiterate that the abbreviation process isn’t magic; you can’t get something for free, and you’re almost invariably going to lose some fidelity in your measurement when you shorten any measure. That said, I actually feel pretty good about the degree of convergence I report in the paper. Sanjay already mentions one reason the convergent correlations seem lower than what you might expect: the new measures are composed of  different items than the old ones, so they’re not going to share many of the same sources of error. That means the convergent correlations will necessarily be lower, but isn’t necessarily a problem in a broader sense. But I think there are also two other, arguably more important, reasons why the convergence might seem deceptively low.

One is that the degree of convergence is bounded by the test-retest reliability of the original measures. Because the items in the IPIP pools were administered in batches spanning about a decade, whereas each of the proprietary measures (e.g., the NEO-PI-R) were administered on one occasion, the net result is that many of the items being used to predict personality traits were actually filled out several years before or after the personality measures in question. If you look at the long-term test-retest reliability of some of the measures I abbreviated (and there actually isn’t all that much test-retest data of that sort out there), it’s not clear that it’s much higher than what I report, even for the original measures. In other words, if you don’t generally see test-retest correlations across several years greater than .6 – .8 for the real NEO-PI-R scales, you can’t really expect to do any better with an abbreviated measure. But that probably says more about the reliability of narrowly-defined personality traits than about the abbreviation process.

The other reason the convergent correlations seem lower than you might expect, which I actually think is the big one, is that I reported only the cross-validated coefficients in the paper. In other words, I used only half of the data to abbreviate measures like the NEO-PI-R and HEXACO-PI, and then used the other half to obtain unbiased estimates of the true degree of convergence. This is technically the right way to do things, because if you don’t cross-validate, you’re inevitably going to capitalize on chance. If you use fit a model to a particular set of data, and then use the very same data to ask the question “how well does the model fit the data?” you’re essentially cheating–or, to put it more mildly, your estimates are going to be decidedly “optimistic”. You could argue it’s a relatively benign kind of cheating, because almost everyone does it, but that doesn’t make it okay from a technical standpoint.

When you look at it this way, the comparison of the IPIP representation of the NEO-PI-R with the abbreviated representation of the NEO-PI-R I generated in my paper isn’t really a fair one, because the IPIP measure Lew Goldberg came up with wasn’t cross-validated. Lew simply took the ten items that most strongly predicted each NEO-PI-R scale and grouped them together (with some careful rational inspection and modification, to be sure). That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the IPIP measures; I’ve used them on multiple occasions myself, and have no complaints. They’re perfectly good measures that I think stand in really well for the (proprietary) originals. My point is just that the convergent correlations reported on the IPIP website are likely to be somewhat inflated relative to the truth.

The nice thing is that we can directly compare the AMBI (the measure I developed in my paper) with the IPIP version of the NEO-PI-R on a level footing by looking at the convergent correlations for the AMBI using only the training data. If you look at the validation (i.e., unbiased) estimates for the AMBI, which is what Sanjay’s talking about here, the mean convergent correlation for the 30 scales of the NEO-PI-R is .63, which is indeed much lower than the .73 reported for the IPIP version of the NEO-PI-R. Personally I’d still probably argue that .63 with 108 items is better than .73 with 300 items, but it’s a subjective question, and I wouldn’t disagree with anyone who preferred the latter. But again, the critical point is that this isn’t a fair comparison. If you make a fair comparison and look at the mean convergent correlation in the training data, it’s .69 for the AMBI, which is much closer to the IPIP data. Given that the AMBI version is just over 1/3rd the length of the IPIP version, I think the choice here becomes more clear-cut, and I doubt that there are many contexts where the (mean) difference between .69 and .73 would have meaningful practical implications.

It’s also worth remembering that nothing says you have to go with the 108-item measure I reported in the paper. The beauty of the GA approach is that you can quite easily generate a NEO-PI-R analog of any length you like. So if your goal isn’t so much to abbreviate the NEO-PI-R as to obtain a non-proprietary analog (and indeed, the IPIP version of the NEO-PI-R is actually longer than the NEO-PI-R, which contains 240 items), I think there’s a very good chance you could do better than the IPIP measure using substantially fewer than 300 items (but more than 108).

In fact, if you really had a lot of time on your hands, and wanted to test this question more thoroughly, what I think you’d want to do is run the GA with systematically varying item costs (i.e., you run the exact same procedure on the same data, but change the itemCost parameter a little bit each time). That way, you could actually plot out a curve showing you the degree of convergence with the original measure as a function of the length of the new measure (this is functionality I’d like to add to the GA code I released when I have the time, but probably not in the near future). I don’t really know what the sweet spot would be, but I can tell you from extensive experimentation that you get diminishing returns pretty quickly. In other words, I just don’t think you’re going to be able to get convergent correlations much higher than .7 on average (this only holds for the IPIP data, obviously; you might do much better using data collected over shorter timespans, or using subsets of items from the original measures). So in that sense, I like where I ended up (i.e., 108 items that still recapture the original quite well).

3. Ultimately I’d like to see a few substantive studies that run the GA-shortened scales alongside the original scales. The column-vector correlations that he reported were hard to evaluate — I’d like to see the actual predictions of behavior, not just summaries. But this seems like a promising approach.

[BTW, that last sentence is the key one. I’m looking forward to seeing more of what you and others can do with this approach.]

When I was writing the paper, I did initially want to include a supplementary figure showing the full-blown matrix of traits predicting the low-level behaviors Sanjay is alluding to (which are part of Goldberg’s massive dataset), but it seemed kind of daunting to present because there are 60 behavioral variables, and most of the correlations were very weak (not just for the AMBI measure–I mean they were weak for the original NEO-PI-R). So you would be looking at a 30 x 60 matrix full of mostly near-zero correlations, which seemed pretty uninformative. So to answer basically the same concern, what I did instead was show a supplementary figure showing a 30 x 5 matrix that captures the relation between the 30 facets of the NEO-PI-R and the Big Five as rated by participants’ peers (i.e., an independent measure of personality). Here’s that figure (click to enlarge):


What I’m presenting is the same correlation matrix for three different versions of the NEO-PI-R: the AMBI version I generated (on the left), and the original (i.e., real) NEO-PI-R, for both the training and validation samples. The important point to note is that the pattern of correlations with an external set of criterion variables is very similar for all three measures. It isn’t identical of course, but you shouldn’t expect it to be. (In fact, if you look at the rightmost two columns, that gives you a sense of how you can get relatively different correlations even for exactly the same measure and subjects when the sample is randomly divided in two. That’s just sampling variability.) There are, in fairness, one or two blips where the AMBI version does something quite different (e..g, impulsiveness predicts peer-rated Conscientiousness for the AMBI version but not the other two). But overall, I feel pretty good about the AMBI measure when I look at this figure. I don’t think you’re losing very much in terms of predictive power or specificity, whereas I think you’re gaining a lot in time savings.

Having said all that, I couldn’t agree more with Sanjay’s final point, which is that the proof is really in the pudding (who came up with that expression? Bill Cosby?). I’ve learned the hard way that it’s really easy to come up with excellent theoretical and logical reasons for why something should or shouldn’t work, yet when you actually do the study to test your impeccable reasoning, the empirical results often surprise you, and then you’re forced to confront the reality that you’re actually quite dumb (and wrong). So it’s certainly possible that, for reasons I haven’t anticipated, something will go profoundly awry when people actually try to use these abbreviated measures in practice. And then I’ll have to delete this blog, change my name, and go into hiding. But I really don’t think that’s very likely. And I’m willing to stake a substantial chunk of my own time and energy on it (I’d gladly stake my reputation on it too, but I don’t really have one!); I’ve already started using these measures in my own studies–e.g., in a blogging study I’m conducting online here–with promising preliminary results. Ultimately, as with everything else, time will tell whether or not the effort is worth it.

abbreviating personality measures in R: a tutorial

A while back I blogged about a paper I wrote that uses genetic algorithms to abbreviate personality measures with minimal human intervention. In the paper, I promised to put the R code I used online, so that other people could download and use it. I put off doing that for a long time, because the code was pretty much spaghetti by the time the paper got accepted, and there are any number of things I’d rather do than spend a weekend rewriting my own code. But one of the unfortunate things about publicly saying that you’re going to do something is that you eventually have to do that something. So, since the paper was published in JRP last week, and several people have emailed me to ask for the code, I spent much of the weekend making the code presentable. It’s not a fully-formed R package yet, but it’s mostly legible, and seems to work more or less ok. You can download the file (gaabbreviate.R) here. The rest of this (very long) post is basically a tutorial on how to use the code, so you probably want to stop reading this now unless you have a burning interest in personality measurement.

Prerequisites and installation

Although you won’t need to know much R to follow this tutorial, you will need to have R installed on your system. Fortunately, R is freely available for all major operating systems. You’ll also need the genalg and psych packages for R, because gaabbreviate won’t run without them. Once you have R installed, you can download and install those packages like so:

install.packages(c(‘genalg’, ‘psych’))

Once that’s all done, you’re ready to load gaabbreviate.R:


…where you make sure to specify the right path to the location where you saved the file. And that’s it! Now you’re ready to abbreviate measures.

Reading in data

The file contains several interrelated functions, but the workhorse is gaa.abbreviate(), which takes a set of item scores and scale scores for a given personality measure as input and produces an abbreviated version of the measure, along with a bunch of other useful information. In theory, you can go from old data to new measure in a single line of R code, with almost no knowledge of R required (though I think it’s a much better idea to do it step-by-step and inspect the results at every stage to make sure you know what’s going on).

The abbreviation function is pretty particular about the format of the input it expects. It takes two separate matrices, one with item scores, the other with scale scores (a scale here just refers to any set of one or more items used to generate a composite score). Subjects are in rows, item or scale scores are in columns. So for example, let’s say you have data from 3 subjects, who filled out a personality measure that has two separate scales, each composed of two items. Your item score matrix might look like this:

3 5 1 1

2 2 4 1

2 4 5 5

…which you could assign in R like so:

items = matrix(c(3,2,2,5,2,2,1,4,5,1,1,5), ncol=3)

I.e., the first subject had scores of 3, 5, 1, and 1 on the four items, respectively; the second subject had scores of 2, 2, 4, and 1… and so on.

Based on the above, if you assume items 1 and 2 constitute one scale, and items 3 and 4 constitute the other, the scale score matrix would be:

8 2

4 5

6 10

Of course, real data will probably have hundreds of subjects, dozens of items, and a bunch of different scales, but that’s the basic format. Assuming you can get your data into an R matrix or data frame, you can feed it directly to gaa.abbreviate() and it will hopefully crunch your data without complaining. But if you don’t want to import your data into R before passing it to the code, you can also pass filenames as arguments instead of matrices. For example:

gaa = gaa.abbreviate(items=”someFileWithItemScores.txt”, scales=”someFileWithScaleScores.txt”, iters=100)

If you pass files instead of data, the referenced text files must be tab-delimited, with subjects in rows, item/scale scores in columns, and a header row that gives the names of the columns (i.e., item names and scale names; these can just be numbers if you like, but they have to be there). Subject identifiers should not be in the files.

Key parameters: stuff you should set every time

Assuming you can get gaabbreviate to read in your data, you can then set about getting it to abbreviate your measure by selecting a subset of items that retain as much of the variance in the original scales as possible. There are a few parameters you’ll need to set; some are mandatory, others aren’t, but should really be specified anyway since the defaults aren’t likely to work well for different applications.

The most important (and mandatory) argument is iters, which is the number of iterations you want the GA to run for. If you pick too high a number, the GA may take a very long time to run if you have a very long measure; if you pick too low a number, you’re going to get a crappy solution. I think iters=100 is a reasonable place to start, though in practice, obtaining a stable solution tends to require several hundred iterations. The good news (which I cover in more detail below) is that you can take the output you get from the abbreviation function and feed it right back in as many times as you want, so it’s not like you need to choose the number of iterations carefully or anything.

The other two key parameters are itemCost and maxItems. The itemCost is what determines the degree to which your measure is compressed. If you want a detailed explanation of how this works, see the definition of the cost function in the paper. Very briefly, the GA tries to optimize the trade-off between number of items and amount of variance explained. Generally speaking, the point of abbreviating a measure is to maximize the amount of explained variance (in the original scale scores) while minimizing the number of items retained. Unfortunately, you can’t do both very well at the same time, because any time you drop an item, you’re also losing its variance. So the trick is to pick a reasonable compromise: a measure that’s relatively short and still does a decent job recapturing the original. The itemCost parameter is what determines the length of that measure. When you set it high, the GA will place a premium on brevity, resulting in a shorter (but less accurate) measure; when you set it low, it’ll allow a longer measure that maximizes fidelity. The optimal itemCost will vary depending on your data, but I find 0.05 is a good place to start, and then you can tweak it to get measures with more or fewer items as you see fit.

The maxItems parameter sets the upper bound on the number of items that will be used to score each scale. The default is 5, but you may find this number too small if you’re trying to abbreviate scales comprised of a large number of items. Again, it’s worth playing around with this to see what happens. Generally speaks, the same trade-off between brevity and fidelity discussed above holds here too.

Given reasonable values for the above arguments, you should be able to feed in raw data and get out an abbreviated measure with minimal work. Assuming you’re reading your data from a file, the entire stream can be as simple as:

gaa = gaa.abbreviate(items=”someFileWithItemScores.txt”, scales=”someFileWithScaleScores.txt”, iters=100, itemCost=0.05, maxItems=5, writeFile=’outputfile.txt’)

That’s it! Assuming your data are in the correct format (and if they’re not, the script will probably crash with a nasty error message), gaabbreviate will do its thing and produce your new, shorter measure within a few minutes or hours, depending on the size of the initial measure. The writeFile argument is optional, and gives the name of an output file you want the measure saved to. If you don’t specify it, the output will be assigned to the gaa object in the above call (note the “gaa = ” part of the call), but won’t be written to file. But that’s not a problem, because you can always achieve the same effect later by calling the gaa.writeMeasure function (e.g., in the above example, gaa.writeMeasure(gaa, file=”outputfile.txt”) would achieve exactly the same thing).

Other important options

Although you don’t really need to do anything else to produce abbreviated measures, I strongly recommend reading the rest of this document and exploring some of the other options if you’re planning to use the code, because some features are non-obvious. Also, the code isn’t foolproof, and it can do weird things with your data if you’re not paying attention. For one thing, by default, gaabbreviate will choke on missing values (i.e., NAs). You can do two things to get around this: either enable pairwise processing (pairwise=T), or turn on mean imputation (impute=T). I say you can do these things, but I strongly recommend against using either option. If you have missing values in your data, it’s really a much better idea to figure out how to deal with those missing values before you run the abbreviation function, because the abbreviation function is dumb, and it isn’t going to tell you whether pairwise analysis or imputation is a sensible thing to do. For example, if you have 100 subjects with varying degrees of missing data, and only have, say, 20 subjects’ scores for some scales, the resulting abbreviated measure is going to be based on only 20 subjects’ worth of data for some scales if you turn pairwise processing on. Similarly, imputing the mean for missing values is a pretty crude way to handle missing data, and I only put it in so that people who just wanted to experiment with the code wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of doing it themselves. But in general, you’re much better off reading your item and scale scores into R (or SPSS, or any other package), processing any missing values in some reasonable way, and then feeding gaabbreviate the processed data.

Another important point to note is that, by default, gaabbreviate will cross-validate its results. What that means is that only half of your data will be used to generate an abbreviated measure; the other half will be used to provide unbiased estimates of how well the abbreviation process worked. There’s an obvious trade-off here. If you use the split-half cross-validation approach, you’re going to get more accurate estimates of how well the abbreviation process is really working, but the fit itself might be slightly poorer because you have less data. Conversely, if you turn cross-validation off (crossVal=F), you’re going to be using all of your data in the abbreviation process, but the resulting estimates of the quality of the solution will inevitably be biased because you’re going to be capitalizing on chance to some extent.

In practice, I recommend always leaving cross-validation enabled, unless you either (a) really don’t care about quality control (which makes you a bad person), or (b) have a very small sample size, and can’t afford to leave out half of the data in the abbreviation process (in which case you should consider collecting more data). My experience has been that with 200+ subjects, you generally tend to see stable solutions even when leaving cross-validation on, though that’s really just a crude rule of thumb that I’m pulling out of my ass, and larger samples are always better.

Other less important options

There are a bunch other less important options that I won’t cover in any detail here, but that are reasonably well-covered in the comments in the source file if you’re so inclined. Some of these are used to control the genetic algorithm used in the abbreviation process. The gaa.abbreviate function doesn’t actually do the heavy lifting itself; instead, it relies on the genalg library to run the actual genetic algorithm. Although the default genalg parameters will work fine 95% of the time, if you really want to manually set the size of the population or the ratio of initial zeros to ones, you can pass those arguments directly. But there’s relatively little reason to play with these parameters, because you can always achieve more or less the same ends simply by adding iterations.

Two other potentially useful options I won’t touch on, though they’re there if you want them, give you the ability to (a) set a minimum bound on the correlation required in order for an item to be included in the scoring equation for a scale (the minR argument), and (b) apply non-unit weightings to the scales (the sWeights argument), in cases where you want to emphasize some scales at the cost of others (i.e., because you want to measure some scales more accurately).

Two examples

The following two examples assume you’re feeding in item and scale matrices named myItems and myScales, respectively:


This will run a genetic algorithm for 500 generations on mean-imputed data with cross-validation turned off, and assign the result to a variable named It will probably produce an only slightly shorter measure, because the itemCost is low and up to 10 items are allowed to load on each scale.


This will run 100 iterations with cross-validation enabled (the default, so we don’t need to specify it explicitly) and write the result to a file named shortMeasure.txt. It’ll probably produce a highly abbreviated measure, because the itemCost is relatively high. It also assigns more weight (twice as much, in fact) to the fourth and fifth scales in the measure relative to the first three, as reflected in the sWeights argument (a vector where the ith element indicates the weight of the ith scale in the measure, so presumably there are five scales in this case).

The gaa object

Assuming you’ve read this far, you’re probably wondering what you get for your trouble once you’ve run the abbreviation function. The answer is that you get… a gaa (which stands for GA Abbreviate) object. The gaa object contains almost all the information that was used at any point in the processing, which you can peruse at your leisure. If you’re familiar with R, you’ll know that you can see what’s in the object with the attributes function. For example, if you assigned the result of the abbreviation function to a variable named ‘myMeasure’, here’s what you’d see:


The gaa object has several internal lists (data, settings, results, etc.), each of which in turn contains several other variables. I’ve tried to give these sensible names. In brief:

  • data contains all the data used to create the measure (i.e., the item and scale scores you fed in)
  • settings contains all the arguments you specified when you called the abbreviation function (e.g., iters, maxItems, etc.)
  • results contains variables summarizing the results of the GA run, including information about each previous iteration of the GA
  • best contains information about the single best measure produced (this is generally not useful, and is for internal purposes)
  • rbga is the rbga.bin object produced by the genetic library (for more information, see the genalg library documentation)
  • measure is what you’ll probably find most important, as it contains the details of the final measure that was produced

To see the contents of each of these lists in turn, you can easily inspect them:


So the ‘measure’ attribute in the gaa object contains a bunch of other variables with information about the resulting measure. And here’s a brief summary:

  • items: a vector containing the numerical ID of items retained in the final measure relative to the original list (e.g., if you fed in 100 items, and the ‘items’ variable contained the numbers 4, 10, 14… that’s the GA telling you that it decided to keep items no. 4, 10, 14, etc., from the original set of 100 items).
  • nItems: the number of items in the final measure.
  • key: a scoring key for the new measure, where the rows are items on the new measure, and the columns are the scales. This key is compatible with score.items() in Bill Revelle’s excellent psych package, which means that once you’ve got the key, you can automatically score data for the new measure simply by calling score.items() (see the documentation for more details), and don’t need to do any manual calculating or programming yourself.
  • ccTraining and ccValidation: convergent correlations for the training and validation halves of the data, respectively. The convergent correlation is the correlation between the new scale scores (i.e., those that you get using the newly-generated measure) and the “real” scale scores. The ith element in the vector gives you the convergent correlation for the ith scale in your original measure. The validation coefficients will almost invariably be lower than the training coefficients, and the validation numbers are the ones you should trust as an unbiased estimate of the quality of the measure.
  • alpha: coefficient alpha for each scale. Note that you should expect to get lower internal consistency estimates for GA-produced measures than you’re used to, and this is actually a good thing. If you want to know why, read the discussion in the paper.
  • nScaleItems: a vector containing the number of items used to score each scale. If you left minR set to 0, this will always be identical to maxItems for all items. If you raised minR, the number of items will sometimes be lower (i.e., in cases where there were very few items that showed a strong enough correlation to be retained).

Just give me the measure already!

Supposing you’re not really interested in plumbing the depths of the gaa object or working within R more than is necessary, you might just be wondering what the quickest way to get an abbreviated measure you can work with is. In that case, all you really need to do is pass a filename in the writeFile argument when you call gaa.abbreviate (see the examples given above), and you’ll get out a plain text file that contains all the essential details of the new measure. Specifically you’ll get (a) a mapping from old items to new, so that you can figure out which items are included in the new measure (e.g., a line like “4 45” means that the 4th item on the new measure is no. 45 in the original set of items), and (b) a human-readable scoring key for each scale (the only thing to note here is that an “R” next to an item indicates the item is reverse-keyed), along with key statistics (coefficient alpha and convergent correlations for the training and validation halves). So if all goes well, you really won’t need to do anything else in R beyond call that one line that makes the measure. But again, I’d strongly encourage you to carefully inspect the gaa object in R to make sure everything looks right. The fact that the abbreviation process is fully automated isn’t a reason to completely suspend all rational criteria you’d normally use when developing a scale; it just means you probably have to do substantially less work to get a measure you’re happy with.

Killing time…

Depending on how big your dataset is (actually, mainly the number of items in the original measure), how many iterations you’ve requested, and how fast your computer is, you could be waiting a long time for the abbreviation function to finish its work. Because you probably want to know what the hell is going on internally during that time, I’ve provided a rudimentary monitoring display that will show you the current state of the genetic algorithm after every iteration. It looks like this (click for a larger version of the image):


This is admittedly a pretty confusing display, and Edward Tufte would probably murder several kittens if he saw it, but it’s not supposed to be a work of art, just to provide some basic information while you’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs (ok, ok, I promise I’ll label the panels better when I have the time to work on it). But basically, it shows you three things. The leftmost three panels show you the basic information about the best measure produced by the GA as it evolves across generations. Respectively, the top, middle,and bottom panels show you the total cost, measure length, and mean variance explained (R^2) as a function of iteration. The total cost can only ever go down, but the length and R^2 can go up or down (though there will tend to be a consistent trajectory for measure length that depends largely on what itemCost you specified).

The middle panel shows you detailed information about how well the GA-produced measure captures variance in each of the scales in the original measure. In this case, I’m abbreviating the 30 facets of the NEO-PI-R. The red dot displays the amount of variance explained in each trait, as of the current iteration.

Finally, the rightmost panel shows you a graphical representation of which items are included in the best measure identified by the GA at each iteration.Each row represents one iteration (i.e., you’re seeing the display as it appears after 200 iterations of a 250-iteration run); black bars represent items that weren’t included, white bars represent items that were included. The point of this display isn’t to actually tell you which items are being kept (you can’t possibly glean that level of information at this resolution), but rather, to give you a sense of how stable the solution is. If you look at the the first few (i.e., topmost) iterations, you’ll see that the solution is very unstable: the GA is choosing very different items as the “best” measure on each iteration. But after a while, as the GA “settles” into a neighborhood, the solution stabilizes and you see only relatively small (though still meaningful) changes from generation to generation. Basically, once the line in the top left panel (total cost) has asymptoted, and the solution in the rightmost panel is no longer changing much if at all, you know that you’ve probably arrived at as good a solution as you’re going to get.

Incidentally, if you use the generic plot() method on a completed gaa object (e.g., plot(myMeasure)), you’ll get exactly the same figure you see here, with the exception that the middle figure will also have black points plotted alongside the red ones.  The black points show you the amount of variance explained in each trait for the cross-validated results. If you’re lucky, the red and black points will be almost on top of each other; if you’re not, the black ones will be considerably to the left of the red ones .

Consider recycling

The last thing I’ll mention, which I already alluded to earlier, is that you can recycle gaa objects. That’s to say, suppose you ran the abbreviation for 100 iterations, only to get back a solution that’s still clearly suboptimal (i.e., the cost function is still dropping rapidly). Rather than having to start all over again, you can simply feed the gaa object back into the abbreviation function in order to run further iterations. And you don’t need to specify any additional parameters (assuming you want to run the same number of iterations you did last time; otherwise you’ll need to specify iters); all of the settings are contained within the gaa object itself. So, assuming you ran the abbreviation function and stored the result in ‘myMeasure’, you can simply do:

myMeasure = gaa.abbreviate(myMeasure, iters=200)

and you’ll get an updated version of the measure that’s had the benefit of an extra 200 iterations. And of course, you can save and load R objects to/from files, so that you don’t need to worry about all of your work disappearing next time you start R. So save(myMeasure, ‘filename.txt’) will save your gaa object for future use, and the next time you need it, you can call myMeasure = load(‘filename.txt’) to get it back (alternatively, you can just save the entire workspace).

Anyway, I think that covers all of the important stuff. There are a few other things I haven’t documented here, but if you’ve read this far, and have gotten the code to work in R, you should be able to start abbreviating your own measures relatively painlessly. If you do use the code to generate shorter measures, and end up with measures you’re happy with, I’d love to hear about it. And if you can’t get the code to work, or can get it to work but are finding issues with the code or the results, I guess I’ll grudgingly accept those emails too. In general, I’m happy to provide support for the code via email provided I have the time. The caveat is that, if you’re new to R, and are having problems with basic things like installing packages or loading files from source, you should really read a tutorial or reference that introduces you to R (Quick-R is my favorite place to start) before emailing me with problems. But if you’re having problems that are specific to the gaabbreviate code (e.g., you’re getting a weird error message, or aren’t sure what something means), feel free to drop me a line and I’ll try to respond as soon as I can.

green chile muffins and brains in a truck: weekend in albuquerque

I spent the better part of last week in Albuquerque for the Mind Research Network fMRI course. It’s a really well-organized 3-day course, and while it’s geared toward people without much background in fMRI, I found a lot of the lectures really helpful. It’s hard impossible to get everything right when you run an fMRI study; the magnet is very fickle and doesn’t like to do what you ask it to–and that assumes you’re asking it to do the right thing, which is also not so common. So I find I learn something interesting from almost every fMRI talk I attend, even when it’s stuff I thought I already knew.

Of course, since I know very little, there’s also almost always stuff that’s completely new to me. In this case, it was a series of lectures on independent components analysis (ICA) of fMRI data, focusing on Vince Calhoun‘s group’s implementation of ICA in the GIFT toolbox. It’s a beautifully implemented set of tools that offer a really powerful alternative to standard univariate analysis, and I’m pretty sure I’ll be using it regularly from now on. So the ICA lectures alone were worth the price of admission. (In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that my post-doc mentor, Tor Wager, is one of the organizers of the MRN course, and I wasn’t paying the $700 tab out of pocket. But I’m not getting any kickbacks to say nice things about the course, I promise.)

Between the lectures and the green chile corn muffins, I didn’t get to see much of Albuquerque (except from the air, where the urban sprawl makes the city seem much larger than its actual population of 800k people would suggest), so I’ll reserve judgment for another time. But the MRN itself is a pretty spectacular facility. Aside from a 3T Siemens Trio magnet, they also have a 1.5T mobile scanner built into a truck. It’s mostly used to scan inmates in the New Mexico prison system (you’ll probably be surprised to learn that they don’t let hardened criminals out of jail to participate in scientific experiments–so the scanner has to go to jail instead). We got a brief tour of the mobile scanner and it was pretty awesome. Which is to say, it beats the pants off my Honda.

There are also some parts of the course I don’t remember so well. Here’s a (blurry) summary of those parts, courtesy of Alex Shackman:

Scott, Tor, and me in Albuquerque
BlurryScott, BlurryTor, and BlurryTal: The Boulder branch of the lab, Albuquerque 2010 edition

functional MRI and the many varieties of reliability

Craig Bennett and Mike Miller have a new paper on the reliability of fMRI. It’s a nice review that I think most people who work with fMRI will want to read. Bennett and Miller discuss a number of issues related to reliability, including why we should care about the reliability of fMRI, what factors influence reliability, how to obtain estimates of fMRI reliability, and what previous studies suggest about the reliability of fMRI. Their bottom line is that the reliability of fMRI often leaves something to be desired:

One thing is abundantly clear: fMRI is an effective research tool that has opened broad new horizons of investigation to scientists around the world. However, the results from fMRI research may be somewhat less reliable than many researchers implicitly believe. While it may be frustrating to know that fMRI results are not perfectly replicable, it is beneficial to take a longer-term view regarding the scientific impact of these studies. In neuroimaging, as in other scientific fields, errors will be made and some results will not replicate.

I think this is a wholly appropriate conclusion, and strongly recommend reading the entire article. Because there’s already a nice write-up of the paper over at Mind Hacks, I’ll content myself to adding a number of points to B&M’s discussion (I talk about some of these same issues in a chapter I wrote with Todd Braver).

First, even though I agree enthusiastically with the gist of B&M’s conclusion, it’s worth noting that, strictly speaking, there’s actually no such thing as “the reliability of fMRI”. Reliability isn’t a property of a technique or instrument, it’s a property of a specific measurement. Because every measurement is made under slightly different conditions, reliability will inevitably vary on a case-by-case basis. But since it’s not really practical (or even possible) to estimate reliability for every single analysis, researchers take necessary short-cuts. The standard in the psychometric literature is to establish reliability on a per-measure (not per-method!) basis, so long as conditions don’t vary too dramatically across samples. For example, once someone “validates” a given self-report measure, it’s generally taken for granted that that measure is “reliable”, and most people feel comfortable administering it to new samples without having to go to the trouble of estimating reliability themselves. That’s a perfectly reasonable approach, but the critical point is that it’s done on a relatively specific basis. Supposing you made up a new self-report measure of depression from a set of items you cobbled together yourself, you wouldn’t be entitled to conclude that your measure was reliable simply because some other self-report measure of depression had already been psychometrically validated. You’d be using an entirely new set of items, so you’d have to go to the trouble of validating your instrument anew.

By the same token, the reliability of any given fMRI measurement is going to fluctuate wildly depending on the task used, the timing of events, and many other factors. That’s not just because some estimates of reliability are better than others; it’s because there just isn’t a fact of the matter about what the “true” reliability of fMRI is. Rather, there are facts about how reliable fMRI is for specific types of tasks with specific acquisition parameters and preprocessing streams in specific scanners, and so on (which can then be summarized by talking about the general distribution of fMRI reliabilities). B&M are well aware of this point, and discuss it in some detail, but I think it’s worth emphasizing that when they say that “the results from fMRI research may be somewhat less reliable than many researchers implicitly believe,” what they mean isn’t that the “true” reliability of fMRI is likely to be around .5; rather, it’s that if you look at reliability estimates across a bunch of different studies and analyses, the estimated reliability is often low. But it’s not really possible to generalize from this overall estimate to any particular study; ultimately, if you want to know whether your data were measured reliably, you need to quantify that yourself. So the take-away message shouldn’t be that fMRI is an inherently unreliable method (and I really hope that isn’t how B&M’s findings get reported by the mainstream media should they get picked up), but rather, that there’s a very good chance that the reliability of fMRI in any given situation is not particularly high. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one.

Second, there’s a common misconception that reliability estimates impose an upper bound on the true detectable effect size. B&M make this point in their review, Vul et al made it in their “voodoo correlations”” paper, and in fact, I’ve made it myself before. But it’s actually not quite correct. It’s true that, for any given test, the true reliability of the variables involved limits the potential size of the true effect. But there are many different types of reliability, and most will generally only be appropriate and informative for a subset of statistical procedures. Virtually all types of reliability estimate will underestimate the true reliability in some cases and overestimate it in others. And in extreme cases, there may be close to zero relationship between the estimate and the truth.

To see this, take the following example, which focuses on internal consistency. Suppose you have two completely uncorrelated items, and you decide to administer them together as a single scale by simply summing up their scores. For example, let’s say you have an item assessing shoelace-tying ability, and another assessing how well people like the color blue, and you decide to create a shoelace-tying-and-blue-preferring measure. Now, this measure is clearly nonsensical, in that it’s unlikely to predict anything you’d ever care about. More important for our purposes, its internal consistency would be zero, because its items are (by hypothesis) uncorrelated, so it’s not measuring anything coherent. But that doesn’t mean the measure is unreliable! So long as the constituent items are each individually measured reliably, the true reliability of the total score could potentially be quite high, and even perfect. In other words, if I can measure your shoelace-tying ability and your blueness-liking with perfect reliability, then by definition, I can measure any linear combination of those two things with perfect reliability as well. The result wouldn’t mean anything, and the measure would have no validity, but from a reliability standpoint, it’d be impeccable. This problem of underestimating reliability when items are heterogeneous has been discussed in the psychometric literature for at least 70 years, and yet you still very commonly see people do questionable things like “correcting for attenuation” based on dubious internal consistency estimates.

In their review, B&M mostly focus on test-retest reliability rather than internal consistency, but the same general point applies. Test-retest reliability is the degree to which people’s scores on some variable are consistent across multiple testing occasions. The intuition is that, if the rank-ordering of scores varies substantially across occasions (e.g., if the people who show the highest activation of visual cortex at Time 1 aren’t the same ones who show the highest activation at Time 2), the measurement must not have been reliable, so you can’t trust any effects that are larger than the estimated test-retest reliability coefficient. The problem with this intuition is that there can be any number of systematic yet session-specific influences on a person’s score on some variable (e.g., activation level). For example, let’s say you’re doing a study looking at the relation between performance on a difficult working memory task and frontoparietal activation during the same task. Suppose you do the exact same experiment with the same subjects on two separate occasions three weeks apart, and it turns out that the correlation between DLPFC activation across the two occasions is only .3. A simplistic view would be that this means that the reliability of DLPFC activation is only .3, so you couldn’t possibly detect any correlations between performance level and activation greater than .3 in DLPFC. But that’s simply not true. It could, for example, be that the DLPFC response during WM performance is perfectly reliable, but is heavily dependent on session-specific factors such as baseline fatigue levels, motivation, and so on. In other words, there might be a very strong and perfectly “real” correlation between WM performance and DLPFC activation on each of the two testing occasions, even though there’s very little consistency across the two occasions. Test-retest reliability estimates only tell you how much of the signal is reliably due to temporally stable variables, and not how much of the signal is reliable, period.

The general point is that you can’t just report any estimate of reliability that you like (or that’s easy to calculate) and assume that tells you anything meaningful about the likelihood of your analyses succeeding. You have to think hard about exactly what kind of reliability you care about, and then come up with an estimate to match that. There’s a reasonable argument to be made that most of the estimates of fMRI reliability reported to date are actually not all that relevant to many people’s analyses, because the majority of reliability analyses have focused on test-retest reliability, which is only an appropriate way to estimate reliability if you’re trying to relate fMRI activation to stable trait measures (e.g., personality or cognitive ability). If you’re interested in relating in-scanner task performance or state-dependent variables (e.g., mood) to brain activation (arguably the more common approach), or if you’re conducting within-subject analyses that focus on comparisons between conditions, using test-retest reliability isn’t particularly informative, and you really need to focus on other types of reliability (or reproducibility).

Third, and related to the above point, between-subject and within-subject reliability are often in statistical tension with one another. B&M don’t talk about this, as far as I can tell, but it’s an important point to remember when designing studies and/or conducting analyses. Essentially, the issue is that what counts as error depends on what effects you’re interested in. If you’re interested in individual differences, it’s within-subject variance that counts as error, so you want to minimize that. Conversely, if you’re interested in within-subject effects (the norm in fMRI), you want to minimize between-subject variance. But you generally can’t do both of these at the same time. If you use a very “strong” experimental manipulation (i.e., a task that produces a very large difference between conditions for virtually all subjects), you’re going to reduce the variability between individuals, and you may very well end up with very low test-retest reliability estimates. And that would actually be a good thing! Conversely, if you use a “weak” experimental manipulation, you might get no mean effect at all, because there’ll be much more variability between individuals. There’s no right or wrong here; the trick is to pick a design that matches the focus of your study. In the context of reliability, the essential point is that if all you’re interested in is the contrast between high and low working memory load, it shouldn’t necessarily bother you if someone tells you that the test-retest reliability of induced activation in your study is close to zero. Conversely, if you care about individual differences, it shouldn’t worry you if activations aren’t reproducible across studies at the group level. In some ways, those are actual the ideal situations for each of those two types of studies.

Lastly, B&M raise a question as to what level of reliability we should consider “acceptable” for fMRI research:

There is no consensus value regarding what constitutes an acceptable level of reliability in fMRI. Is an ICC value of 0.50 enough? Should studies be required to achieve an ICC of 0.70? All of the studies in the review simply reported what the reliability values were. Few studies proposed any kind of criteria to be considered a “˜reliable’ result. Cicchetti and Sparrow did propose some qualitative descriptions of data based on the ICC-derived reliability of results (1981). They proposed that results with an ICC above 0.75 be considered “˜excellent’, results between 0.59 and 0.75 be considered “˜good’, results between .40 and .58 be considered “˜fair’, and results lower than 0.40 be considered “˜poor’. More specifically to neuroimaging, Eaton et al. (2008) used a threshold of ICC > 0.4 as the mask value for their study while Aron et al. (2006) used an ICC cutoff of ICC > 0.5 as the mask value.

On this point, I don’t really see any reason to depart from psychometric convention just because we’re using fMRI rather than some other technique. Conventionally, reliability estimates of around .8 (or maybe .7, if you’re feeling generous) are considered adequate. Any lower and you start to run into problems, because effect sizes will shrivel up. So I think we should be striving to attain the same levels of reliability with fMRI as with any other measure. If it turns out that that’s not possible, we’ll have to live with that, but I don’t think the solution is to conclude that reliability estimates on the order of .5 are ok “for fMRI” (I’m not saying that’s what B&M say, just that that’s what we should be careful not to conclude). Rather, we should just accept that the odds of detecting certain kinds of effects with fMRI are probably going to be lower than with other techniques. And maybe we should minimize the use of fMRI for those types of analyses where reliability is generally not so good (e.g., using brain activation to predict trait variables over long intervals).

I hasten to point out that none of this should be taken as a criticism of B&M’s paper; I think all of these points complement B&M’s discussion, and don’t detract in any way from its overall importance. Reliability is a big topic, and there’s no way Bennett and Miller could say everything there is to be said about it in one paper. I think they’ve done the field of cognitive neuroscience an important service by raising awareness and providing an accessible overview of some of the issues surrounding reliability, and it’s certainly a paper that’s going on my “essential readings in fMRI methods” list.
Bennett, C. M., & Miller, M. B. (2010). How reliable are the results from functional magnetic resonance imaging? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

better tools for mining the scientific literature

Freethinker’s Asylum has a great post reviewing a number of tools designed to help researchers mine the scientific literature–an increasingly daunting task. The impetus for the post is this article in the latest issue of Nature (note: restricted access), but the FA post discusses a lot of tools that the Nature article doesn’t, and focuses in particular on websites that are currently active and publicly accessible, rather than on proprietary tools currently under development in dark basement labs and warehouses. I hadn’t seen most of these before, but am looking forward to trying them out–e.g., pubget:

When you create an account, pubget signs in to your institution and allows you to search the subscribed resources. When you find a reference you want, just click the pdf icon and there it is. No clicking through to content provider websites. You can tag references as “keepers“ to come back to them later, or search for the newest articles from a particular journal.

Sounds pretty handy…

Many of the other sites–as well as most of those discussed in the Nature article–focus on data and literature mining in specific fields, e.g., PubGene and PubAnatomy. These services, which allow you to use specific keywords or topics (e.g., specific genes) to constrain literature searches, aren’t very useful to me personally. But it’s worth pointing out that there are some emerging services that fill much the same niche in the world of cognitive neuroscience that I’m more familiar with. The one that currently looks most promising, in my opinion, is the Cognitive Atlas project led by Russ Poldrack, which is “a collaborative knowledge building project that aims to develop a knowledge base (or ontology) that characterizes the state of current thought in cognitive science. … The Cognitive Atlas aims to capture knowledge from users with expertise in psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience.”

The Cognitive Atlas is officially still in beta, and you need to have a background in cognitive neuroscience in order to sign up to contribute. But there’s already some content you can navigate, and the site, despite being in the early stages of development, is already pretty impressive. In the interest of full disclosure, as well as shameless plugging, I should note that Russ will be giving a talk about the Cognitive Atlas project as part of a symposium I’m chairing at CNS in Montreal this year. So if you want to learn more about it, stop by! Meantime, check out the Freethinker’s Asylum post for links to all sorts of other interesting tools…

how to measure 200 personality scales in 200 items

One of the frustrating things about personality research–for both researchers and participants–is that personality is usually measured using self-report questionnaires, and filling out self-report questionnaires can take a very long time. It doesn’t have to take a very long time, mind you; some questionnaires are very short, like the widely-used Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), which might take you a whole 2 minutes to fill out on a bad day. So you can measure personality quickly if you have to. But more often than not, researchers want to reliably measure a broad range of different personality traits, and that typically requires administering one or more long-ish questionnaires. For example, in my studies, I often give participants a battery of measures to fill out that includes some combination of the NEO-PI-R, EPQ-R, BIS/BAS scales, UPPS, GRAPES, BDI, TMAS, STAI, and a number of others. That’s a large set of acronyms, and yet it’s just a small fraction of what’s out there; every personality psychologist has his or her own set of favorite measures, and at personality conferences, duels-to-the-death often break out over silly things like whether measure X is better than measure Y, or whether measures A and B can be used interchangeably when no one’s looking. Personality measurement is a pretty intense sport.

The trouble with the way we usually measure personality is that it’s wildly inefficient, for two reasons. One is that many measures are much longer than they need to be. It’s not uncommon to see measures that score each personality trait using a dozen or more different items. In theory, the benefit of this type of redundancy is that you get a more reliable measure, because the error terms associated with individual items tends to cancel out. For example, if you want to know if I’m a depressive kind of guy, you shouldn’t just ask me, “hey, are you depressed?”, because lots of random factors could influence my answer to that one question. Instead, you should ask me a bunch of different questions, like: “hey, are you depressed?” and “why so glum, chum?”, and “does somebody need a hug?”. Adding up responses from multiple items is generally going to give you a more reliable measure. But in practice, it turns out that you typically don’t need more than a handful of items to measure most traits reliably. When people develop “short forms” of measures, the abbreviated scales often have just 4 – 5 items per trait, usually with relatively little loss of reliability and validity. So the fact that most of the measures we use have so many items on them is sort of a waste of both researchers’ and participants’ time.

The other reason personality measurement is inefficient is that most researchers recognize that different personality measures tend to measure related aspects of personality, and yet we persist in administering a whole bunch of questionnaires with similar content to our participants. If you’ve ever participated in a psychology experiment that involved filling out personality questionnaires, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered whether you’re just filling out the same questionnaire over and over. Well you are–kind of. Because the space of personality variation is limited (people can only differ from one another in so many ways), and because many personality constructs have complex interrelationships with one another, personality measures usually end up asking similarly-worded questions. So for example, one measure might give you Extraversion and Agreeableness scores whereas another gives you Dominance and Affiliation scores. But then it turns out that the former pair of dimensions can be “rotated” into the latter two; it’s just a matter of how you partition (or label) the variance. So really, when a researcher gives his or her participants a dozen measures to fill out, that’s not because anyone thinks that there are really a dozen completely different sets of traits to measures; it’s more because we recognize that each instrument gives you a slightly different take on personality, and we tend to think that having multiple potential viewpoints is generally a good thing.

Inefficient personality measurement isn’t inevitable; as I’ve already alluded to above, a number of researchers have developed abbreviated versions of common inventories that capture most of the same variance as much longer instruments. Probably the best-known example is the aforementioned TIPI, developed by Sam Gosling and colleagues, which gives you a workable index of people’s relative standing on the so-called Big Five dimensions of personality. But there are relatively few such abbreviated measures. And to the best of my knowledge, the ones that do exist are all focused on abbreviating a single personality measure. That’s unfortunate, because if you believe that most personality inventories have a substantial amount of overlap, it follows that you should be able to recapture scores on multiple different personality inventories using just one set of (non-redundant) items.

That’s exactly what I try to demonstrate in a paper to be published in the Journal of Research in Personality. The article’s entitled “The abbreviation of personality: How to measure 200 personality scales in 200 items“, which is a pretty accurate, if admittedly somewhat grandiose, description of the contents. The basic goal of the paper is two-fold. First, I develop an automated method for abbreviating personality inventories (or really, any kind of measure with multiple items and/or dimensions). The idea here is to shorten the time and effort required in order to generate shorter versions of existing measures, which should hopefully encourage more researchers to create such short forms. The approach I develop relies heavily on genetic algorithms, which are tools for programmatically obtaining high-quality solutions to high-dimensional problems using simple evolutionary principles. I won’t go into the details (read the paper if you want them!), but I think it works quite well. In the first two studies reported in the paper (data for which were very generously provided by Sam Gosling and Lew Goldberg, respectively), I show that you can reduce the length of existing measures (using the Big Five Inventory and the NEO-PI-R as two examples) quite dramatically with minimal loss of validity. It only takes a few minutes to generate the abbreviated measures, so in theory, it should be possible to build up a database of abbreviated versions of many different measures. I’ve started to put together a site that might eventually serve that purpose (, but it’s still in the preliminary stages of development, and may or may not get off the ground.

The other main goal of the paper is to show that the same general approach can be applied to simultaneously abbreviate more than one different measure. To make the strongest case I could think of, I took 8 different broadband personality inventories (“broadband” here just means they each measure a relatively large number of personality traits) that collectively comprise 203 different personality scales and 2,091 different items. Using the same genetic algorithm-based approach, I then reduce these 8 measures down to a single inventory that contains only 181 items (hence the title of the paper). I named the inventory the AMBI (Analog to Multiple Broadband Inventories), and it’s now freely available for use (items and scoring keys are provided both in the paper and at It’s certainly not perfect–it does a much better job capturing some scales than others–but if you have limited time available for personality measures, and still want a reasonably comprehensive survey of different traits, I think it does a really nice job. Certainly, I’d argue it’s better than having to administer many hundreds (if not thousands) of different items to achieve the same effect. So if you have about 15 – 20 minutes to spare in a study and want some personality data, please consider trying out the AMBI!

Yarkoni, T. (2010). The Abbreviation of Personality, or how to Measure 200 Personality Scales with 200 Items Journal of Research in Personality DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2010.01.002