better tools for mining the scientific literature

Freethinker’s Asylum has a great post reviewing a number of tools designed to help researchers mine the scientific literature–an increasingly daunting task. The impetus for the post is this article in the latest issue of Nature (note: restricted access), but the FA post discusses a lot of tools that the Nature article doesn’t, and focuses in particular on websites that are currently active and publicly accessible, rather than on proprietary tools currently under development in dark basement labs and warehouses. I hadn’t seen most of these before, but am looking forward to trying them out–e.g., pubget:

When you create an account, pubget signs in to your institution and allows you to search the subscribed resources. When you find a reference you want, just click the pdf icon and there it is. No clicking through to content provider websites. You can tag references as “keepers“ to come back to them later, or search for the newest articles from a particular journal.

Sounds pretty handy…

Many of the other sites–as well as most of those discussed in the Nature article–focus on data and literature mining in specific fields, e.g., PubGene and PubAnatomy. These services, which allow you to use specific keywords or topics (e.g., specific genes) to constrain literature searches, aren’t very useful to me personally. But it’s worth pointing out that there are some emerging services that fill much the same niche in the world of cognitive neuroscience that I’m more familiar with. The one that currently looks most promising, in my opinion, is the Cognitive Atlas project led by Russ Poldrack, which is “a collaborative knowledge building project that aims to develop a knowledge base (or ontology) that characterizes the state of current thought in cognitive science. … The Cognitive Atlas aims to capture knowledge from users with expertise in psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience.”

The Cognitive Atlas is officially still in beta, and you need to have a background in cognitive neuroscience in order to sign up to contribute. But there’s already some content you can navigate, and the site, despite being in the early stages of development, is already pretty impressive. In the interest of full disclosure, as well as shameless plugging, I should note that Russ will be giving a talk about the Cognitive Atlas project as part of a symposium I’m chairing at CNS in Montreal this year. So if you want to learn more about it, stop by! Meantime, check out the Freethinker’s Asylum post for links to all sorts of other interesting tools…

how to measure 200 personality scales in 200 items

One of the frustrating things about personality research–for both researchers and participants–is that personality is usually measured using self-report questionnaires, and filling out self-report questionnaires can take a very long time. It doesn’t have to take a very long time, mind you; some questionnaires are very short, like the widely-used Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), which might take you a whole 2 minutes to fill out on a bad day. So you can measure personality quickly if you have to. But more often than not, researchers want to reliably measure a broad range of different personality traits, and that typically requires administering one or more long-ish questionnaires. For example, in my studies, I often give participants a battery of measures to fill out that includes some combination of the NEO-PI-R, EPQ-R, BIS/BAS scales, UPPS, GRAPES, BDI, TMAS, STAI, and a number of others. That’s a large set of acronyms, and yet it’s just a small fraction of what’s out there; every personality psychologist has his or her own set of favorite measures, and at personality conferences, duels-to-the-death often break out over silly things like whether measure X is better than measure Y, or whether measures A and B can be used interchangeably when no one’s looking. Personality measurement is a pretty intense sport.

The trouble with the way we usually measure personality is that it’s wildly inefficient, for two reasons. One is that many measures are much longer than they need to be. It’s not uncommon to see measures that score each personality trait using a dozen or more different items. In theory, the benefit of this type of redundancy is that you get a more reliable measure, because the error terms associated with individual items tends to cancel out. For example, if you want to know if I’m a depressive kind of guy, you shouldn’t just ask me, “hey, are you depressed?”, because lots of random factors could influence my answer to that one question. Instead, you should ask me a bunch of different questions, like: “hey, are you depressed?” and “why so glum, chum?”, and “does somebody need a hug?”. Adding up responses from multiple items is generally going to give you a more reliable measure. But in practice, it turns out that you typically don’t need more than a handful of items to measure most traits reliably. When people develop “short forms” of measures, the abbreviated scales often have just 4 – 5 items per trait, usually with relatively little loss of reliability and validity. So the fact that most of the measures we use have so many items on them is sort of a waste of both researchers’ and participants’ time.

The other reason personality measurement is inefficient is that most researchers recognize that different personality measures tend to measure related aspects of personality, and yet we persist in administering a whole bunch of questionnaires with similar content to our participants. If you’ve ever participated in a psychology experiment that involved filling out personality questionnaires, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered whether you’re just filling out the same questionnaire over and over. Well you are–kind of. Because the space of personality variation is limited (people can only differ from one another in so many ways), and because many personality constructs have complex interrelationships with one another, personality measures usually end up asking similarly-worded questions. So for example, one measure might give you Extraversion and Agreeableness scores whereas another gives you Dominance and Affiliation scores. But then it turns out that the former pair of dimensions can be “rotated” into the latter two; it’s just a matter of how you partition (or label) the variance. So really, when a researcher gives his or her participants a dozen measures to fill out, that’s not because anyone thinks that there are really a dozen completely different sets of traits to measures; it’s more because we recognize that each instrument gives you a slightly different take on personality, and we tend to think that having multiple potential viewpoints is generally a good thing.

Inefficient personality measurement isn’t inevitable; as I’ve already alluded to above, a number of researchers have developed abbreviated versions of common inventories that capture most of the same variance as much longer instruments. Probably the best-known example is the aforementioned TIPI, developed by Sam Gosling and colleagues, which gives you a workable index of people’s relative standing on the so-called Big Five dimensions of personality. But there are relatively few such abbreviated measures. And to the best of my knowledge, the ones that do exist are all focused on abbreviating a single personality measure. That’s unfortunate, because if you believe that most personality inventories have a substantial amount of overlap, it follows that you should be able to recapture scores on multiple different personality inventories using just one set of (non-redundant) items.

That’s exactly what I try to demonstrate in a paper to be published in the Journal of Research in Personality. The article’s entitled “The abbreviation of personality: How to measure 200 personality scales in 200 items“, which is a pretty accurate, if admittedly somewhat grandiose, description of the contents. The basic goal of the paper is two-fold. First, I develop an automated method for abbreviating personality inventories (or really, any kind of measure with multiple items and/or dimensions). The idea here is to shorten the time and effort required in order to generate shorter versions of existing measures, which should hopefully encourage more researchers to create such short forms. The approach I develop relies heavily on genetic algorithms, which are tools for programmatically obtaining high-quality solutions to high-dimensional problems using simple evolutionary principles. I won’t go into the details (read the paper if you want them!), but I think it works quite well. In the first two studies reported in the paper (data for which were very generously provided by Sam Gosling and Lew Goldberg, respectively), I show that you can reduce the length of existing measures (using the Big Five Inventory and the NEO-PI-R as two examples) quite dramatically with minimal loss of validity. It only takes a few minutes to generate the abbreviated measures, so in theory, it should be possible to build up a database of abbreviated versions of many different measures. I’ve started to put together a site that might eventually serve that purpose (, but it’s still in the preliminary stages of development, and may or may not get off the ground.

The other main goal of the paper is to show that the same general approach can be applied to simultaneously abbreviate more than one different measure. To make the strongest case I could think of, I took 8 different broadband personality inventories (“broadband” here just means they each measure a relatively large number of personality traits) that collectively comprise 203 different personality scales and 2,091 different items. Using the same genetic algorithm-based approach, I then reduce these 8 measures down to a single inventory that contains only 181 items (hence the title of the paper). I named the inventory the AMBI (Analog to Multiple Broadband Inventories), and it’s now freely available for use (items and scoring keys are provided both in the paper and at It’s certainly not perfect–it does a much better job capturing some scales than others–but if you have limited time available for personality measures, and still want a reasonably comprehensive survey of different traits, I think it does a really nice job. Certainly, I’d argue it’s better than having to administer many hundreds (if not thousands) of different items to achieve the same effect. So if you have about 15 – 20 minutes to spare in a study and want some personality data, please consider trying out the AMBI!

Yarkoni, T. (2010). The Abbreviation of Personality, or how to Measure 200 Personality Scales with 200 Items Journal of Research in Personality DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2010.01.002

solving the file drawer problem by making the internet the drawer

UPDATE 11/22/2011 — Hal Pashler’s group at UCSD just introduced a new website called PsychFileDrawer that’s vastly superior in every way to the prototype I mention in the post below; be sure to check it out!

Science is a difficult enterprise, so scientists have many problems. One particularly nasty problem is the File Drawer Problem. The File Drawer Problem is actually related to another serious scientific problem known as the Desk Problem. The Desk Problem is that many scientists have messy desks covered with overflowing stacks of papers, which can make it very hard to find things on one’s desk–or, for that matter, to clear enough space to lay down another stack of papers.  A common solution to the Desk Problem is to shove all of those papers into one’s file drawer. Which brings us to the the File Drawer Problem. The File Drawer Problem refers to the fact that, eventually, even the best-funded of scientists run out of room in their file drawers.

Ok, so that’s not exactly right. What the file drawer problem–a term coined by Robert Rosenthal in a seminal 1979 article–really refers to is the fact that null results tend to go unreported in the scientific literature at a much higher rate than positive findings, because journals don’t like to publish papers that say “we didn’t find anything”, and as a direct consequence, authors don’t like to write papers that say “journals won’t want to publish this”.

Because of this blatant prejudice systematic bias against null results, the eventual resting place of many a replication failure is its author’s file drawer. The reason this is a problem is that, over the long term, if only (or mostly) positive findings ever get published, researchers can get a very skewed picture of how strong an effect really is. To illustrate, let’s say that Joe X publishes a study showing that people with lawn gnomes in their front yards tend to be happier than people with no lawn gnomes in their yards. Intuitive as that result may be, someone is inevitably going to get the crazy idea that this effect is worth replicating once or twice before we all stampede toward Home Depot or the Container Store with our wallets out (can you tell I’ve never bought a lawn gnome before?). So let’s say Suzanna Y and Ramesh Z each independently try to replicate the effect in their labs (meaning, they command their graduate students to do it). And they find… nothing! No effect. Turns out, people with lawn gnomes are just as miserable as the rest of us. Well, you don’t need a PhD in lawn decoration to recognize that Suzanna Y and Ramesh Z are not going to have much luck publishing their findings in very prestigious journals–or for that matter, in any journals. So those findings get buried into their file drawers, where they will live out the rest of their days with very sad expressions on their numbers.

Now let’s iterate this process several times. Every couple of years, some enterprising young investigator will decide she’s going to try to replicate that cool effect from 2009, since no one else seems to have bothered to do it. This goes on for a while, with plenty of null results, until eventually, just by chance, someone gets lucky (if you can call a false positive lucky) and publishes a successful replication. And also, once in a blue moon, someone who gets a null result actually bothers to forces their graduate student to write it up, and successfully gets out a publication that very carefully explains that, no, Virginia, lawn gnomes don’t really make you happy. So, over time, a small literature on the hedonic effects of lawn gnomes accumulates.

Eventually, someone else comes across this small literature and notices that it contains “mixed findings”, with some studies finding an effect, and others finding no effect. So this special someone–let’s call them the Master of the Gnomes–decides to do a formal meta-analysis. (A meta-analysis is basically just a fancy way of taking a bunch of other people’s studies, throwing them in a blender, and pouring out the resulting soup into a publication of your very own.) Now you can see why the failure to publish null results is going to be problematic: What the Master of the Gnomes doesn’t know about, the Master of the Gnomes can’t publish about. So any resulting meta-analytic estimate of the association between lawn gnomes and subjective well-being is going to be biased in the positive directio. That is, there’s a good chance that the meta-analysis will end up saying lawn gnomes make people very happy,when in reality lawn gnomes only make people a little happy, or don’t make people happy at all.

There are lots of ways to try to get around the file drawer problem, of course. One approach is to call up everyone you know who you think might have ever done any research on lawn gnomes and ask if you could take a brief peek into their file drawer. But meta-analysts are often very introverted people with no friends, so they may not know any other researchers. Or they might be too shy to ask other people for their data. And then too, some researchers are very protective of their file drawers, because in some cases, they’re hiding more than just papers in there. Bottom line, it’s not always easy to identify all of the null results that are out there.

A very different way to deal with the file drawer problem, and one suggested by Rosenthal in his 1979 article, is to compute a file drawer number, which is basically a number that tells you how many null results that you don’t know about would have to exist in people’s file drawers before the meta-analytic effect size estimate was itself rendered null. So, for example, let’s say you do a meta-analysis of 28 studies, and find that your best estimate, taking all studies into account, is that the standardized effect size (Cohen’s d) is 0.63, which is quite a large effect, and is statistically different from 0 at, say, the p < .00000001 level. Intuitively, that may seem like a lot of zeros, but being a careful methodologist, you decide you’d like a more precise definition of “a lot”. So you compute the file drawer number (in one of its many permutations), and it turns out that there would have to be 4,640,204 null results out there in people’s file drawers before the meta-analytic effect size became statistically non-significant. That’s a lot of studies, and it’s doubtful that there are even that many people studying lawn gnomes, so you can probably feel comfortable that there really is an association there, and that it’s fairly large.

The problem, of course, is that it doesn’t always turn out that way. Sometimes you do the meta-analysis and find that your meta-analytic effect is cutting it pretty close, and that it would only take, say, 12 null results to render the effect non-significant. At that point, the file drawer N is no help; no amount of statistical cleverness is going to give you the extrasensory ability to peer into people’s file drawers at a distance. Moreover, even in cases where you can feel relatively confident that there couldn’t possibly be enough null results out there to make your effect go away entirely, it’s still possible that there are enough null results out there to substantially weaken it. Generally speaking, the file drawer N is a number you compute because you have to, not because you want to. In an ideal world, you’d always have all the information readily available at your fingertips, and all that would be left for you to do is toss it all in the blender and hit “liquify” “meta-analyze”. But of course, we don’t live in an ideal world; we live in a horrible world full of things like tsunamis, lip syncing, and publication bias.

This brings me, in a characteristically long-winded way, to the point of this post. The fact that researchers often don’t have access to other researchers’ findings–null result or not–is in many ways a vestige of the fact that, until recently, there was no good way to rapidly and easily communicate one’s findings to others in an informal way. Of course, the telephone has been around for a long time, and the postal service has been around even longer. But the problem with telling other people what you found on the telephone is that they have to be listening, and you don’t really know ahead of time who’s going to want to hear about your findings. When Rosenthal was writing about file drawers in the 80s, there wasn’t any bulletin board where people could post their findings for all to see without going to the trouble of actually publishing them, so it made sense to focus on ways to work around the file drawer problem instead of through it.

These days, we do have a bulletin board where researchers can post their null results: The internet. In theory, an online database of null results presents an ideal solution to the file drawer problem: Instead of tossing their replication failures into a folder somewhere, researchers could spend a minute or two entering just a minimal amount of information into an online database, and that information would then live on in perpetuity, accessible to anyone else who cared to come along and enter the right keyword into the search box. Such a system could benefit everyone involved: researchers who ended up with unpublishable results could salvage at least some credit for their efforts, and ensure that their work wasn’t entirely lost to the sands of time; prospective meta-analysts could simplify the task of hunting down relevant findings in unlikely places; and scientists contemplating embarking on a new line of research that built heavily on an older finding could do a cursory search to see if other people had already tried (and failed) to replicate the foundational effect.

Sounds good, right? At least, that was my thought process last year, when I spent some time building an online database that could serve as this type of repository for null (and, occasionally, not-null) results. I got a working version up and running at, and was hoping to spend some time begging people to use it trying to write it up as a short paper, but then I started sinking into the quicksand of my dissertation, and promptly forgot about it. What jogged my memory was this post a couple of days ago, which describes a database, called the Negatome, that contains “a collection of protein and domain (functional units of proteins) pairs thatare unlikely to be engaged in direct physical interactions”. This isn’t exactly the same thing as a database of null results, and is in a completely different field, but it was close enough to rekindle my interest and motivate me to dust off the site I built last year. So now the site is here, and it’s effectively open for business.

I should confess up front that I don’t harbor any great hopes of this working; I suspect it will be quite difficult to build the critical mass needed to make something like this work. Still, I’d like to try. The site is officially in beta, so stuff will probably still break occasionally, but it’s basically functional. You can create an account instantly and immediately start adding studies; it only takes a minute or two per study. There’s no need to enter much in the way of detail; the point isn’t to provide an alternative to peer-reviewed publication, but rather to provide a kind of directory service that researchers could use as a cursory tool for locating relevant information. All you have to do is enter a brief description of the effect you tried to replicate, an indication of whether or not you succeeded, and what branch of psychology the effect falls under. There are plenty of other fields you can enter (e.g., searchable tags, sample sizes, description of procedures, etc.), but they’re almost all optional. The goal is really to make this as effortless as possible for people to use, so that there is no virtually no cost to contributing.

Anyway, right now there’s nothing on the site except a single lonely record I added in order to get things started. I’d be very grateful to anyone who wants to help this project off the ground by adding a study or two. There are full editing and deletion capabilities, so you can always delete anything you add later on if you decide you don’t want to share after all. My hope is that, given enough community involvement and a large enough userbase, this could eventually become a valuable resource psychologists could rely on when trying to establish how likely a finding is to replicate, or when trying to identify relevant studies to include in meta-analyses. You do want to help figure out what effect those sneaky, sneaky lawn gnomes have on our collective mental health, right?

tuesday at 3 pm works for me

Apparently, Tuesday at 3 pm is the best time to suggest as a meeting time–that’s when people have the most flexibility available in their schedule. At least, that’s the conclusion drawn by a study based on data from WhenIsGood, a free service that helps with meeting scheduling. There’s not much to the study beyond the conclusion I just gave away; not surprisingly, people don’t like to meet before 10 or 11 am or after 4 pm, and there’s very little difference in availability across different days of the week.

What I find neat about this isn’t so much the results of the study itself as the fact that it was done at all. I’m a big proponent of using commercial website data for research purposes–I’m about to submit a paper that relies almost entirely on content pulled using the Blogger API, and am working on another project that makes extensive use of the Twitter API. The scope of the datasets one can assemble via these APIs is simply unparalleled; for example, there’s no way I could ever realistically collect writing samples of 50,000+ words from 500+ participants in a laboratory setting, yet the ability to programmatically access blog contents makes the task trivial. And of course, many websites collect data of a kind that just isn’t available off-line. For example, the folks at OKCupid are able to continuously pump out interesting data on people’s online dating habits because they have comprehensive data on interactions between literally millions of prospective dating partners. If you want to try to generate that sort of data off-line, I hope you have a really large lab.

Of course, I recognize that in this case, the WhenIsGood study really just amounts to a glorified press release. You can tell that’s what it is from the URL, which literally includes the “press/” directory in its path. So I’m certainly not naive enough to think that Web 2.0 companies are publishing interesting research based on their proprietary data solely out of the goodness of their hearts. Quite the opposite. But I think in this case the desire for publicity works in researchers’ favor: It’s precisely because virtually any press is considered good press that many of these websites would probably be happy to let researchers play with their massive (de-identified) datasets. It’s just that, so far, hardly anyone’s asked. The Web 2.0 world is a largely untapped resource that researchers (or at least, psychologists) are only just beginning to take advantage of.

I suspect that this will change in the relatively near future. Five or ten years from now, I imagine that a relatively large chunk of the research conducted in many area of psychology (particularly social and personality psychology) will rely heavily on massive datasets derived from commercial websites. And then we’ll all wonder in amazement at how we ever put up with the tediousness of collecting real-world data from two or three hundred college students at a time, when all of this online data was just lying around waiting for someone to come take a peek at it.